Synopsis: Xue Dongfeng, the chief military governor of Jiang City, returns from the front to attend his father's funeral, only to discover that his first love, Ji Lianyun, had married his father five days ago. Xue Dongfeng never gets over Ji Lianyun. Believing Ji Lianyun betrayed him, he constantly seeks to humiliate her. However, Xue Dongfeng can't help but come to Ji Lianyun's rescue when she is in trouble. As they love and hurt each other, Xue Dongfeng finally finds out that Ji Lianyun married his father for revenge. In fact, five years ago, Ji Lianyun's father was wrongly convicted, and her whole family was implicated. Therefore, she vowed to make the enemy pay in blood and prove her father's innocence. Ji Lianyun is now his stepmother, but he still loves her and tries to protect her. In the end, they embark on a challenging journey together.